Reynolds Township
Established in 1868
PH: 231.937.6739
215 E. Edgerton St.
Howard City, MI. 49329
Contact Us
Reynolds Township Office
215 E Edgerton St.
Howard City, MI 49329

Moderates board and annual meetings
Secretary to Board of Review
Township’s legal agent
Must maintain records of supervisor’s office
Develops township budget
Appoints some commission members
Member of township elections commission
May call special meetings

Township legislators, required to vote on all issues
Responsible for township’s fiduciary health
Other duties as assigned by board

Robin Sholty
Maintains custody of all township records
Maintains general ledger
Prepares warrants for township checks
Records and maintains township meeting min.
Keeps the township book of oaths
Responsible for regular/special meeting notices
Publishes board meeting minutes
Keeps voter registration file and conducts elections
Chair of township elections commission
Keeps township ordinance book
Prepares financial statements
Delivers tax certificates to supervisor and county clerk by September 30
Andy Ross
(989) 291-3630 or
Zoning Administrator
Dave Kelsey
989-289-2268 or

Kami Fleese
Property Tax Collection
Keeps an account of township receipts (revenues) and expenditures
Disburses township checks
Deposits twp revenues in approved depositories
Invests twp funds in approved investment vehicles
Responsible for jeopardy assessments in collecting delinquent personal property tax Collects mobile home specific tax
Township legislators, required to vote on all issues
Responsible for township’s fiduciary health
Other duties as assigned by board

Reynolds Township Committee Members
Road Advisory
Albert Hackbardt - Chair
John Powell
Robert Bergstrom
Aaron Kindel
Planning Commission
Chuck Delaney - Chair
Jerry Poprawski - Co-chair
Thomas Phinney - Secretary
Matt Westerbrink
Reggie Potts
Randy Sherburne
Bob Bergstrom - Liaison
Zoning Board
of Appeals
Dana Langworthy
Joy Alverson
Kurt Kellogg
Tammy Werner
Aaron Lambertson
Jessica Misner
Board of Review
Mark Stevens - Chair
Brandon Stowell - Secretary
Jerry Poprawski
Paul Rehfus